What we believe

But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine.

                                                                                                                      — Titus 2:1ESV

We affirm the doctrinal statements of both the

Evangelical Free Church of America and Chosen People Ministries:

Further Clarification on Grafted’s theological convictions:

Sexuality & Marriage

The Lord God created human beings male and female (see Gen 1:27) to experience relationship with Him and one another. He has given the gift of marriage to us, defined as the union of one man and one woman for a lifetime. Sex is a wonderful gift of God to be enjoyed only within the confines of the marriage covenant relationship.

Torah Observance

There is continuity between a number of the covenants in Scripture, and the Bible communicates that Jesus’ work ushered in the New Covenant spoken of in Jeremiah 31:31-34. We believe this covenant is completely sufficient in and of itself for salvation. Everything one needs for eternal life has been accomplished by the Messiah and is received through faith in Him alone. One need not come under the Mosaic Covenant in order to enter into the family of God. However, we do want to affirm that the Torah is good (see Rom 2:20), and believers may certainly have the conviction that certain laws under the Old Covenant are valuable to observe. But they are not to be imposed as obligatory on other believers.