
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

                                                                                                                                                    — Hebrews 10:24-25 ESV

Sunday Gatherings are a great time to learn more about our church community, to build relationships, and above all, to worship the Lord! Our congregation is an intergenerational mix of Jewish and non-Jewish people who have found the redemption God has provided in the Person and work of Jesus the Messiah. Each week we gather together on Sundays to be reminded of God’s goodness, to be encouraged by His faithfulness, and to celebrate His work in our lives throughout the week. Every Sunday we also observe communion to remind ourselves of Messiah’s sacrifice on our behalf.


Wooddale Church Edina Campus
5532 Wooddale Ave
Edina, MN 55424


Sundays at 4pm

Livestreaming on YouTube


Parking is available in the lot on the west side of the church building.


Worship & Liturgy

We worship the Lord through contemporary worship music, classic Christian hymns, and accessible messianic worship songs. Our gatherings consider Jewish liturgical elements within a more familiar evangelical worship gathering in a way that is mutually beneficial to Jew and Gentile alike.

Celebration & Remembrance

We hold Messiah-exalting celebrations of Israel’s appointed festivals (see Leviticus 23), as well the inclusion of specific moments from the traditional Church calendar.

Teaching & Preaching

We spend time in both Testaments of the Bible, considering the Scriptures through the eyes of the original audiences, while still encouraging people towards a whole life response to the present day implications of each text.

Fellowship & Family

Following our worship gathering, we have a coffee and connections time in the cafe. This is a great time to begin building relationships with those at Grafted!

On the third Sunday of each month, we share in a fellowship meal together after the service, and we’d love for you to join us! We’d encourage you to bring a meal and/or side to share with our church family.

PLEASE NOTE: Out of respect and honor for the religious convictions of our Jewish friends (see Romans 14), we ask that you abstain from bringing food that mixes meat and dairy, as well as food with pork or shellfish

Next Gen

We firmly believe the Lord calls us to invest in the next generation (see Dt 6:7), inviting them into a personal and living faith in Messiah, and it’s our heart to equip parents on that journey. During Sunday gatherings, we offer programming for children ages newborn through elementary school age. They can be signed in prior to the service and will be dismissed from the gathering during announcements.

For those of student age (middle school and older), we’d love to have them join us in the worship gathering, and participate on one of the various ministry teams at Grafted.